Saturday, April 30, 2011

Blogging just became easier

I must admit that I am not on top of this blog as I would like to be, but I think it just got easier.  I’ve always had a hard time uploading pictured because lets just face it, its a pain in the but.  But wait all thanks to Danielle she told me about Windows Live Writer.  I’ve had it on my computer this whole time, just took me a little while to find it.  This is my first post using it, and already seems much easier and I haven't even tried to upload pictures.   So my new goal is to post more often now that I can use this.  I have many pictures to share so I will be posting more soon. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Birthday's Galore

Everyone seems to have a birthday in the month of Apil. First Michelle's at the end of March then a week latter its my moms then 2 days after that its Connor's. This weekend we celbrated my mom and Connor's Friday night my cousins came into town. We all went and ate seafood. Connor said we had to have a birthday cake for grandma, so once we go home we had cake. His idea Friday morning was that because it was her birthday we stay at home and eat cake.. if only life were that easy.

Sat. we all hung out during the day. I love it when Connor has someone to play with. Our cousin Adi is only 6 weeks younger then him so they make good playmates. Our other cousins are 9 and 10, so we can send them all outside and they can keep an eye on the younger ones. We headed to David's Bridal and Adi tried on her dress flower girl dress (for Michelle's wedding) She looked so cute.

We then headed to the Greenville Drive baseball game. We did this last year and the kids loved it! Of couse we had to buy all the food goodies! It wouldnt be a baseball game with out those!

On Sunday Connor turned 4!!!!!!!!! I cant believe he is 4 already. He has brought so much joy and love into my life, I seriouly dont know where I would be without him. Yes things may not be perfect but they are perfect for us. My mom always said that you didnt know love until you loved a child, and she was so right (yes its in print that I said my mom was right!) I cant even explain the love I have for that kid. With that being said, this year was a pirate theme. As everyone know I love to plan a party! These were some awesome cupcakes a friend made!The banner I made it says party, with skulls on the paper. The two end peices have a pirate ship on one, and a tresure chest on the other. The treat bags were brown paper lunch bags, with the ships on them. The tags had all the kids names with a pirate related cut out peice.

All the little Pirates!

My little Pirate.

We had a great weekend with all of our friends and family. Thanks for everyone who shared it with us.