Friday, February 25, 2011

Back to the grind

Well this week was the first week back to the grind. Needless to say I have recovered from my surgery. The HIDA scan showed that I had no leak, and he then thought maybe there was a torn muscle. I started to feel better over the weekend then on the Monday before I was return to work I felt the best I had. On Tue. I was back to feeling horrible and was due to turn back to work on Wed. I decided to go ahead and have my FMLA extended. Good thing I did I ended up getting the FLU! It was horrible but I had a few more days to rest up. I went back this past Mon. and I think this was the longest week ever. I am glad it is the weekend and Connor and I can have some fine.

Connor did very well in school this week, he ended up with no notes, and was pretty good at home as well.

This weekend we plan to pick out some fabric for some chairs we have been wanting covered for a long time. These chairs were my grandmas and I remember them from my first memories of her house. I don't even know how old they could be. I am excited because they are still in decent condition.

We also have allot of cleaning and laundry to catch up on. Between recovery and sickness going around our house we can say its gotten behind on us. Not to mention we have a unwanted house visitor again.. another Mouse! I don't know why we never had any before last fall now this is the 2nd time. I know we live next to a field but I need to figure out how to keep them from coming into my house, they are unwanted and gross me out!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A little set back

Today is post op day 8. I am still not feeling well. Thu after the surgery I called the Dr. to ask about my pain meds because they didn't not seem to be helping. The RN told me that he would not call in anything stronger and if I needed to I could come in. On Friday I felt a little better but still had awkward pain. On Sat. I got out of the house, and that night was in horrible pain and also very very sick. I couldn't keep anything down. I am so thankful my sister was here in town to help me out. Sunday and Monday I still had pain and was very Blah feeling. On Tue. I called the Dr. and they made an appointment for me to come in that afternoon. I expressed concern to the Dr. that its been 6 days I thought I would be feeling a whole lot better, like I never even had the surgery. He said that yes I should be feeling better, and I shouldn't have the pain I was having. I was feeling like my gallbladder had never even been removed. I hear a lot of people say they felt immediately better afterwards, not this girl. The Dr. told me that he believes what happened is that 1 when the gallbladder was removed some of the bile spilled out and is in my system, and just needs to work out. He believes this is the situation because I was not sick anymore or had the nausea feeling. OR 2 that there is a leak and the bile is leaking. To fix that would be another surgery and a stint being placed. He told me to go home stay on pain meds, lay down, and drink plenty of fluid to wash it out. If I was not feeling better the fallowing day then give him a call and they would schedule me for a nuclear test called a HIDA scan. I waited a day to see if it all would pass over. Well this morning I am still hurting, so I called and spoke to the RN, they scheduled me to the test tomorrow morning. They couldn't get me in today because I had already ate. So tomorrow I will have the test. I don't know if I want it to show that I have a leak or not. If it does that means that's the source of my pain, and if it doesn't means.... I have no clue that it will mean. I know I don't have a high tolerance for pain but I should be feeling 100% by now.

As far as everything else going in our life, I registered Connor for 4K! I don't know if he will get in, they will do screening at the end of May. They test the kids to get in, they take the kids that need more help. I don't know if he will get in or not because he is very smart when he wants to be. I hope he does, it would save me a small bundle that I am paying for daycare. I can not believe he is going to be 4 in exactly 2 months! Time truly does fly. Of course I am already on the ball gathering up ideas for his party. I truly thing I missed my calling in the party planning business.

We have being struggling with his behavior at school, past 3 weeks he has come home with a "Oh - No Report" from school. One of the days I think it was because he was tired. The night before he was up for 4 hours in the middle of the night, playing and watching a movie, just like he use to wake up. Ive been trying a couple different things so he wont wake up and stay up. This week is so far so good. I told him if he was good this whole week then we would do something fun this weekend. This morning he requested chuckie cheese... I don't think I am feeling that but I was thinking something outside maybe Sunday cause I heard its going to be in the 60's. Hopefully he will be good today and tomorrow. He says he doesn't like school and sometimes its hard to get him to go and then when we get there hes acts all sad. I don't want it to be a fight like it was for me from 3rd grade on. I want him to like school, and do well in it so he can go to college and get a good job. Ideas and suggestions are welcomed for me to get him liking about school.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Well Surgery went well. I got there at 10 am surgery being scheduled for 12 pm. I had it done at Greenville Memorial and while they get you ready you have your own room, which was pretty cool. Of course my veins are shot from all the previous times in the past I've had to get stuck. My RN had a hard time finding a vein for the IV, and had to get someone else to look. I ended up having it put in the inside of my wrist.. yes ouch. After the IV was in they gave me some medicine to relax me. The Dr. came in to talk with me before surgery and something I have never seen before he asked if he could pray with me. I thought that was awesome. Before to long they were coming into wheel me to the OR. We got outside the room and had to wait (I guess they had to finish setting up), the RN came out and introduced her self to me, and let me know she would be in the surgery with me. I said I didn't get to speak to the anesthesiologist , as this man was standing there says, didn't you speak to someone at pre op. I said yes but I needed someone here to be aware of the problems before, he then states he would be the one putting me to sleep. I became slight upset and told him a briefly about what happened in the past and I wanted everyone to be aware. He reassured me everything would be OK and they would watch my Blood Pressure closely. I think he may have been a little annoyed with me because the next thing he says is I gave you some more medicine, and that was the last thing I remember, before I was even in the room.
We got home about 4:45 and I went to bed. I slept until the next morning at 7am. When they put you out like that, that's always the best sleep. I am thankful for my friend picking up Connor from daycare and bringing him home.
Connor has been very good and very careful around me. When I showed him my stomach he looked at it weird.
Today I ended up sleeping until 2pm. This weekend Connor is with his visit Nana for their weekend visits. I don't know what this weekend will bring, but I am honestly thinking I would be OK to go back to work by the middle of next week. I have a Dr. apt set for next Friday. I know my Dr. has to sign off on papers before I can even return so I am not sure how that will work. I plan on resting more this weekend, getting some things organized, and getting back on my coupon clipping.