Monday, January 31, 2011

The Gallbladder is being evicted.

Yes my Gallbladder is coming out and I could not be more happier. I started having problems the week after Christmas. I suddenly got sick after I ate, I thought it was weird but I brushed it off as the start of a bug, I was pretty sure my son brought home to me. The following week I got sick again right after eating. It was also a different feeling when I got sick and I knew something was not right. When I got home for the day, I started looked up symptoms on the Internet (I know some Doctors frown on that, but for me I knew it wasn't normal for my body), the only thing I could come up with was gallbladder. I had my doubt because I had pain on the left side, which the gallbladder in the the right side. After I had some pain with the vomiting I was convinced it wasn't normal. I called my Gastro Dr to make an appointment and they were able to work me in within two days. Within the two days I researched about gallstones and was then convinced that's what it was. When I went for the appointment I pretty much told her that's what I thought it was and she ordered a ultrasound for the fallowing day. The ultrasound did show gallstones so then I was off to the surgeon and of course he said it needed to come out, which I already knew. So the big day is in two days. I want to have a normal life and not worry about going out and maybe having an attack. I am so ready for this.

Although I am more then ready I am also terrified. The last time I had surgery something went wrong. From what I have been told my blood pressure dropped really low, and my kidneys shut down, I think I was in ICU for 9 days or so. I was in the hospital for around 2 months I believe. I honestly don't remember that much they kept me pretty drugged up. I remember the pain from the chest tub and that even after it was removed and the wound had healed I was not able to sleep on my side for a long time. They have reassured me that they will keep a close eye on me during surgery, and that the removal of the gallbladder is a simple procedure compared to the lung surgery which was a major procedure.

I am on FMLA for 2 weeks. It is not going to be so much fun because this will be without pay, but I plan on getting lost of rest and taking it easy.

I have been through a lot in the past and I know that it is always going to work out one way or the other.

Please remember on Wednesday to keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

At this again

I thought I would try blogging again. I have been reading a couple people's blog and I must say I want to give this a try again because I want to remember the funny things Connor does, and remember our day to day memories.

It is hard to believe that Connor will soon be 4! Time really does fly. He changed daycare at the start if Nov. and in the short time he has improved so much. He is learning so many things and so many new words. The past 2 Fridays he has come home with a "OH NO Report" the first day there were three things listed, not listening to the teachers, hitting his friends, and looking in the girls bath room with a girl in there. I can't help but laugh at the 3rd one, he is only three! I explained to him the reasons he couldn't do any of those. My friend always looks at the lighter side and makes me laugh, she said at least you know he knows how to defend him self and that he likes girls. This past Friday the note read he wasn't listening again, and that he kicked his Friend in the chin. I have no clue what has got into him. He received a responsibility magnet board for Christmas (from Santa, I told him Santa must have wanted him to start behaving! :)) we used the board for a couple of weeks and it seemed to help. We will go back to using the board this week. I hope it improves his behavior at school. Another problem is every morning its a fight to get dressed, and get out the door, he says he hates school and doesn't want to go. I started that at 3rd grade and from that point until I graduated high school it was a fight every morning. I am hoping that he looks forward to going, and learning. I know that it will make a huge difference if he does. I want him to do well in school that way he can be anything he wants to be. I know parents always want the best for their children, me included, I just don't want it to be a struggle for the next 14 or so years. The daycare has a program Called Stretch N Grow that comes during daycare hours and they usually do I think so sort of activity. They are starting spring training on Monday. It is a 10 week program, and they play soccer, track & field, hockey, and baseball. He asked me if I could sign him up because one of his friends was doing it. I thought twice about it because that's just another expense. I told him I would think about it, so again the next morning in the car on the way to school he asked again. I told him yes. My child never forgets about anything. He is so excited to play "Soccer Ball" as he calls it. I told him it was more then just soccer. I am hoping he enjoys it, and will teach him a little more discipline. He played something similar last summer with the Y so I know he will like it.

This coming Wed. I will be having my gallbladder removed. I have never been looking so forward to a surgery in my life. I am ready to be able to eat normal with out worrying if it will make me sick, and to have a social life and be able to go out and eat.

I am going to try my hardest to keep up with this blog. I have plenty to say so I think it will be easy. Hopefully I can keep to maybe one topic a entry that way it wont seem like I am skipping around.

I am open to suggestions, and ideas to write about.

Fair warning my grammar, and spelling is not tip top! :)