Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Summer Came and Went

Here is a quick view of our summer.  It came and went by to fast. 

IMG_1076The Yard is finally coming along.  I planted two knock out rose bushes. IMG_1079

He loves yogurt mountain IMG_1091IMG_1151 4th of July IMG_1172 IMG_1176

Truck Day at the Farmers Market Downtown Greenville




Connor has discovered his love of chicken wings just like his momma!IMG_1184

We had a date the the Lion King!  It was a awesome performance although pricey it was was well worth it. 

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Now that he is 5 he was able to get his own library card!

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Sleeping with ALL of his stuffed animals one night when he got made at me!


This was the first summer Connor was able to go down and spend a couple days with Cousin Nikki and all the kids, without me staying with him.  We went to GA for the weekend and the picture below was Connor and Adi in the hotel room.  It looks like they are plotting something all ready.  Con stayed down there for a total of 3 days and had a fun time.  Although when he came home he said he was never going anywhere ever again and not even to Shell’s.  He is such a home body.  I am glad I made him stay and go, it does him good to get use to other things,  Cant say he got used to their big dog though.  We are still working on that.


Nikki and Nick took all the cousins to the lake for the day!

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After the summer Olympics and watching swimming, Con decided that was what he wanted to be. 


Good Bye K-4

The school year came and went. It seemed to go by so fast! At the end of the year they had a little performance that I went to and got to see Connor and his classmates sing. It was so cute!
Connor loved going to school and being in Mr. Bannister's class! I am proud to say he only missed 2 days! One for a trip to Ohio and the other we just decided we both needed another day added to the weekend, and he was starting to come down with a cold.
I feel like he has learned so much. I hope that 4k was a huge step in getting him ready and even ahead for K5. I remember how difficult school was for me and how much I hated school and how much of a fight it was for me and my mom from 3rd grade on. From 3rd grade till 12th is a long time to fight every morning. I know there were really no other choices for me then. I honestly think my problem was I was bored nothing intrigued me and once I became bored, that's it, it was over for me and I stopped paying attention and caring. Now I know there are other options so I am hoping to always keep him intrigued by whatever he is doing. That is a big decision factor that lead me to the School AJ Whittenburg for 5k.

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True Friendship is about ..

True friendship isn’t about being inseparable, it’s about being separated and nothing changes. 




Growing up I always had a "best friend" but I never understood the true meaning until I meet Mary. Yes they way we become friends is quite weird to some people but hey it worked for us! We were both pregnant at the same time and had both joined a group April 2007 babies. We clicked and hit it off. That was over 6 years ago! Since then our friendship has bloomed into this thing we call best friends/ soul mates. She is completely my person (for those of you who watch Grey's Anatomy). We talk every single day. The only time I can remember not taking a day was when I went on a cruise in 2010, I think we went without talking for 2 days. In May me and Connor were very fortunate to be able to go and visit her and her family in Ohio. This was the first time all the kids meet. Luckily me and Mary have been able to see each other a little more then the kids have. The first time we meet was Sept 2010 when I flew to Ohio, she then came to see me that Dec of 2010, and now this past May. We had a lot of fun up there. We took a long weekend and flew. This was Connor's first time on a plane and he was excited. We flew into Columbus and then visited COSI. It is a Children's museum, and there were all kinds of neat things to do. The rest of the weekend consisted of hanging out with the family and then taking a day trip to the Zoo. The zoo there is HUGE, and so many cool animals that we don't have at our small zoo. My favorite I think had to be the polar bears! I am so glad I have someone that is there for me no matter what and I can tell anything to and will not pass judgment over me. She is my person!

DSC02760 Mary even had a way with Con to get him near the goat, and brush it.  This was huge for Con, as he is afraid of animals.  You can still see in the picture he is still ready to bolt! 

DSC02772all the kids, good picture even if they are not all looking.  IMG_09021st plane ride! IMG_0926 IMG_0928  A building in Columbus, Ohio


Family Pictures

I absolutely LOVVVVVE pictures.  I had wanted family pictures done because we had never had any done of the 5 of us since Connor and Kyle entered the family.  I also had a major project I wanted to tackle for a wall, and do canvas prints. You can see the post here. 

I knew the kind of look I was looking for, for the pictures. The photographers I had used before didn’t offer that.  I searched for a good two months for the right photographer and one that was in our price range.  I was sent to Rachael Hughes from another photographer I first inquired with.  I loved the way she used the sun at sunset in her pictures.  I fell in love and had to figure out 5 peoples schedules for it to work and book a couple months out in order for everything to fit in place but in the end it was defiantly worth it.  The day of it had been raining and was very cloudy.  Rachael offered to reschedule for us, but I was very eager to have these done, and not to mention the headache it was to arrange the time to fit with all of us. She assured me the pictures would still look great although the sun was hiding behind the clouds.  We drove an hour away to her and Michelle and Kyle drove and meet us there.  I defiantly wanted something outside and in a field.  I had no idea of somewhere around here that we could use but she had a place in Greenwood. 

Needless to say the pictures turned out amazing and I couldn’t have imagined or asked for anything more. 

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The rest of April Fun


DSC02649DSC02702DSC02722DSC02731Boys will be Boys : Connor and Coleman 



Climbing the Tree at Araylin’s Birthday Party



Sweet Alice turned 1!  It’s hard to believe she is already one! 


We had a scare with Connor and his arm.  He had fallen on it at afterschool and was complaining it hurt and he wouldn't move it.  It bruised up bad and looked swollen so I took him to the ER to have x-rays just in case.  It turned out to be ok but just sprained so they wrapped it up for him. 


Connor loves his Uncle Kyle they will even lay in the bed and play on the Iphones!


Big Birthdays!

April is a busy birthday month for us.  With my moms being on the 8th and Con’s on the 10th which ever weekend they fall on (or close to) is usual a eventful weekend.  This year it was B-I-G birthday’s for both of them.  My mom turned 60, and Con turned 5! 

For my mom’s birthday Michelle and I thought for a while of what to do  we finally decided on a beautiful ring she had been eyeing over a year and a nice dinner.  She chose to go to Rick Erwin’s which was super nice!  They even came and brushed the crumbs off the table in between courses with a crumb scrapper…. surely something I had never seen before.  My cousin Nikki usually always comes over the weekend of Con’s party, this year was going to be no different.  My moms sister from Ohio also wanted to come and celebrate my moms birthday, but Aunt Pat wanted it to be a surprise.  Everyone surprised my mom at the restaurant.  She was very surprised and we all had a great night. 

DSC02655The next day was Connor’s Party.  This was the first year we did not have it at our house, his choice not mine.  I must say at first I was disappointed I was not going to get to plan this huge party, but in the end it was well worth it.   He wanted a angry birds theme and for his party to be at Giggle Bugs, a place with a bunch of inflatables for jumping.  I found some cupcake ideas online that I wanted to make for him.  I can’t believe he already turned 5, time really does go by so fast!

DSC02682IMG_0716DSC02676I had his 5th birthday pictures done down town by someone I had went to High School with they turned out so well! 
