Monday, January 31, 2011

The Gallbladder is being evicted.

Yes my Gallbladder is coming out and I could not be more happier. I started having problems the week after Christmas. I suddenly got sick after I ate, I thought it was weird but I brushed it off as the start of a bug, I was pretty sure my son brought home to me. The following week I got sick again right after eating. It was also a different feeling when I got sick and I knew something was not right. When I got home for the day, I started looked up symptoms on the Internet (I know some Doctors frown on that, but for me I knew it wasn't normal for my body), the only thing I could come up with was gallbladder. I had my doubt because I had pain on the left side, which the gallbladder in the the right side. After I had some pain with the vomiting I was convinced it wasn't normal. I called my Gastro Dr to make an appointment and they were able to work me in within two days. Within the two days I researched about gallstones and was then convinced that's what it was. When I went for the appointment I pretty much told her that's what I thought it was and she ordered a ultrasound for the fallowing day. The ultrasound did show gallstones so then I was off to the surgeon and of course he said it needed to come out, which I already knew. So the big day is in two days. I want to have a normal life and not worry about going out and maybe having an attack. I am so ready for this.

Although I am more then ready I am also terrified. The last time I had surgery something went wrong. From what I have been told my blood pressure dropped really low, and my kidneys shut down, I think I was in ICU for 9 days or so. I was in the hospital for around 2 months I believe. I honestly don't remember that much they kept me pretty drugged up. I remember the pain from the chest tub and that even after it was removed and the wound had healed I was not able to sleep on my side for a long time. They have reassured me that they will keep a close eye on me during surgery, and that the removal of the gallbladder is a simple procedure compared to the lung surgery which was a major procedure.

I am on FMLA for 2 weeks. It is not going to be so much fun because this will be without pay, but I plan on getting lost of rest and taking it easy.

I have been through a lot in the past and I know that it is always going to work out one way or the other.

Please remember on Wednesday to keep me in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. I will pray for you Tiff. I've told you, I went through this but it was by far the best surgery I couldve had (besides a CSection, LOL!)..I was in so much pain I begged them to remove it. Everything will be okay. If I can do anything, please let me know. I hope you can update us soon..lots of love!

  2. They removed my gallbladder during my bypass surgery.
