Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Summer Came and Went

Here is a quick view of our summer.  It came and went by to fast. 

IMG_1076The Yard is finally coming along.  I planted two knock out rose bushes. IMG_1079

He loves yogurt mountain IMG_1091IMG_1151 4th of July IMG_1172 IMG_1176

Truck Day at the Farmers Market Downtown Greenville




Connor has discovered his love of chicken wings just like his momma!IMG_1184

We had a date the the Lion King!  It was a awesome performance although pricey it was was well worth it. 

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Now that he is 5 he was able to get his own library card!

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Sleeping with ALL of his stuffed animals one night when he got made at me!


This was the first summer Connor was able to go down and spend a couple days with Cousin Nikki and all the kids, without me staying with him.  We went to GA for the weekend and the picture below was Connor and Adi in the hotel room.  It looks like they are plotting something all ready.  Con stayed down there for a total of 3 days and had a fun time.  Although when he came home he said he was never going anywhere ever again and not even to Shell’s.  He is such a home body.  I am glad I made him stay and go, it does him good to get use to other things,  Cant say he got used to their big dog though.  We are still working on that.


Nikki and Nick took all the cousins to the lake for the day!

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After the summer Olympics and watching swimming, Con decided that was what he wanted to be. 


1 comment:

  1. I feel like the summer was just yesterday and now we are approaching Christmas!! I love the bath picture...future Michael Phelps?? :)
